
Friday, November 19, 2010

New Addition

I recently added "Olive Tree Ministries" to the "Teaching Websites" bar on my blog. I've been downloading Jan's radio programs for about two years now (why I didn't add her website to my blog long ago, I don't know!), and find them very informative.

I found the October 30 program very good, yet extremely troubling as well. I want to encourage you (the reader) to listen to both hours when you get the chance, as I believe Brandon's interview (Brandon Howse, who is sitting in for Jan as she is recovering from back surgery) with John McTernan is right on.

You can get directly to the program HERE - simply left click on the Oct. 30, 2010 link to listen online, or right click and "save as " (or "save target", depending on your browser) to download to your computer. 

1 comment:

Kaela said...

That's cool that you're working at posts during your break!

Love you Dad!